No personal user data is acquired by this site through cookies. We do not use cookies to transmit information of a personal nature, We do not use cookies for tracking users.

As stated in paragraph 12 of  “Garante per la protezione dei dati personali” FAQ reached here, this site in homepage does not use any banner for cookie policy promotion because, in the absence of cookies or if use just technicians cookies, the site owner can give the information to users also through the inclusion of the relevant information in the privacy policy or cookie policy page.

Cookies used
  • Cookie Name: _icl_visitor_lang_js >> Technical/Essential Cookie Necessary to identify the Language selection  – duration 24 h
  • Cookie Name: _icl_current_language >> Technical/Essential Cookie Necessary to identify the Language selection  – duration 24 h

Cookies Types:

  • Technical cookies: also called essential cookies, they allow the proper operation of important features of the website. These cookies, which are always sent from our domain, help you visualize the features of our website correctly, depending on the technical services offered. Therefore, they will be used and sent unless you change your browser* settings. These cookies are classified into two categories: ‘session cookies’ and ‘persistent cookies’.
    • I ‘Session Cookies’ are temporary cookies which are erased when you close our website.
    • Un ‘Persistent Cookies’ stay on your device for a longer amount of time, or until you erase them manually.
  • Analytic cookies from third-party services providers: these cookies collect information on your user experience on our website. Thanks to the services provided by Google, Ermes collects anonymous data on how our website is being used by visitors, and specifically on: visited pages, permanence time, traffic origin, information on geographic provenience, age, gender and personal interests for marketing purposes.
  • Cookies used to integrate third-party products and software functions: this type of cookies integrates third-party functions in the pages of our website, such as social network icons and preferences to share our website contents or use third-party software services (for example, map-generating softwares and other softwares offering additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and partner websites offering some of their services in our website.
  • Profiling cookies: they are used to profile users in order to send advertising messages tailored to the preferences they expressed on the pages of our website. does not use profiling cookies.

According to the legislation in force, Ermes is not compelled to ask for consent for technical cookies, as they are necessary to provide the required services.
For all other types of cookies, users can express their consent through one or more of the following methods:

  • Through the cookies preference panel by clicking on: cookie settings
  • Through specific configurations of the browser or softwares used to visit the pages of the website.
  • By modifying settings on the use of third-party services.


Websites and third-party services might feature links to other websites whose Privacy Policy may differ from the one adopted by Ermes. Therefore, Ermes is not to be considered liable for what is provided in the above-mentioned webstites.


*How to disable cookies through your browser settings:

How to disable third-party cookies:


This page can be visualized by clicking on the link at the bottom of each page of our website pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003, section 122 paragraph II and to the simplified dispositions on privacy and cookies information and consent published on the Official Journal no. 126 of June 3rd 2014 and relevant register of disciplinary measures no. 229 of May 8th 2014.

For further information on cookies, please visit the FAQ page of the Italian Data Protection Authority by clicking here.